Amba Ayurveda Pharmacy
Amba Ayurveda Vaidyasala has been one of the leading names in the field of Ayurvedic therapy in Kerala. The institution which has served the community for over sixty years has always taken special care to maintain the highest standards of excellence both in the potency and quality of medicines. It is this insistence on quality and standards that has given Amba Ayurveda Pharmacy and its manufacturing unit the prestigious GMP (Good Manufacturing Practice) certification. Amba Ayurveda Vaidyasala is one of the few pharmacies in Kerala which has earned this distinction.

Standardization is a hotly debated subject in the Ayurvedic drug industry today. Tremendous work is going on in herbal drug standardization. But it is not an easy task as preparations described under diverse systems of herbal medicine have their own concepts. For screening our preparation of drugs we follow several parameters. In the final Ayurvedic medication we ensure the following :
» The Substance (Dravya)
» The Taste (Rasa)
» The Property (Guna)
» The Potency (Virya)
» The Post-digestion effect (Vipaka)
» The Therapeutics (Prabhva)
» The Pharmacological activity (Karma)
At Amba Ayurveda Pharmacy we have a full-fledged manufacturing division functioning at Changanassery where the state-of-the-art technology is used for the processing of medicines. This division brings out hundreds of traditional products in accordance with the principles of Ayurveda as laid down in the ancient scriptures and also based on our own knowledge acquired through research. The institution enjoys wide reputation for the quality of its products. The Quality Control and Research and Development wing ensures that standard raw materials are used, accuracy is maintained at various stages of production and the final products are superior. The production process is monitored by physicians who are qualified and knowledgeable in their job.
We are equipped to handle parceling and dispatch of medicines as per requirement to any part of the world.